The tacky sweater turned out fantastic! As my brave husband entered the room, he was greeted by laughter, which was just the response we were going for. Don't you love the mini pockets on the Grinch's sweatshirt?!
To make the applique, I cut a stuffed Grinch in half, flattened him out and hand-sewed him on the sweater.
I liked his poochy belly, so I put some of his stuffing back in the midriff area.
I made a frame for Mr. Grinch using garland and battery-powered LED lights. The battery pack is inside the sweater in a pocket that I attached behind his stomach.
We didn't win the contest, but we left them laughing for sure!
This is FABULOUS! I love the Grinch's mini pockets. Perfect for keeping fingertips warm. :-)
I say this sweater, and your amazing creativity, are winners!
Thanks for the smiles.
This is FanTasTiC Dine!!! I'd love to be around to hear folks comment on it. LoL
Wishing you a season of CoMfOrt & JoY
LiBBy BuTTons
This was the best Chistmas ever!
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